The Wooden Church of Budeşti-Josani


The church is located in Budeşti, Maramureş County.


Located in the historical region of Maramureş in the Cosău Valley, the wooden church of St. Nicholas dates back to the year 1643 and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Built in a traditional style, from wooden beams on a stone foundation with a main tower surrounded by other four small ones, the church is impressive due to its imposing simplicity.

The murals were painted in 1762 and the hundred years old icons are extremely remarkable and they impress every tourist. Once you are here you have to discover the nearby villages (Breb, Hoteni, Călineşti, Sârbi) hidden in the picturesque sceneries or venture out and hike in the Gutâi Mountains or on the Cocoş ridge.

Did you know?

The chain shirt of the outlaw Pintea Viteazul (the Brave, 1670-1703) which he wore during the battles against the Tatars is kept in the church.

Conservation facts

The church is in a good state of preservation. The fence surrounding the churchyard was recently restored in the traditional style.




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