The Saint Elijah Wooden Church of Cupşeni


The wooden church is located in Cupşeni, Maramureş County.


Approximately 20 km from Târgu Lăpuş, you will discover the Saint Ilie wooden church on Cupşeni’s main street.

Built in 1732 after the last Tatar invasion, the church is very small with a one eave roof and a high tower. The mural from 1848 is very well preserved.

If you are here don’t miss the other wooden church from Cupşeni, the Holy Archangels.

Did you know?

Initially built in the village centre, the church was moved on to a higher ground in the middle of the cemetery.

Conservation facts

The church is included on the list of historical monuments of Romania.

It’s well preserved even though the mural painting shows advanced signs of deterioration.




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