The Semenic-Caraş Gorges National Park


The Semenic-Caraş Gorges National Park is located on the administrative territory of several towns from Caraş-Severin County: Anina, Reşiţa, Caraşova, Brebu Nou, Bozovici, Goruia, Mehadica, Prigor.

The national park can be visited all year round. It is advisable to wear proper mountain gear (danger of vipers).

Entrance fee: Yes.


Semenic-Caraş Gorges National Park is a great nature reserve in Banat Mountains which stretches over 36 664 ha and includes many fascinating nature reserves (Buhui-Mărghitaş, Bârzaviţa, Caraş Gorges, Gârliştei Gorges, Izvoarele Caraşului, Izvoarele Nerei, Buhui Cave, Comarnic Cave, Popovăţ Cave, Răsuflătoarei Cave).  

When you arrive to the park, you will be amazed by the multitude of secular beech forests, mysterious caves, dizzying gorges, multicolored clearings and meadows which create the wild Banat landscape.

Some of the most spectacular scenery is offered by the steep mountain slopes and the virgin secular forests from Semenic Mountains (included in 2017 in the UNESCO World Heritage) or  the Popovăţ, Buhui and Comarnic caves, which are just waiting to be discovered during a hike.

Did you know?

Comarnic cave is one of the few places in Europe where bones of the cave bear, which went extinct 15 000 years ago, were found. It is thought that these bears could reach 3-4 m in height and 1 000 kg in weight.

Conservation facts

Semenic-Caraş Gorges National Park is a vulnerable area due to the fact that it was affected by many illegal activities like deforestation, poaching or inappropriate  tourism.

The park has warning boards, information panels and paths / trails to visit.



