The Princely Church and Royal Court in Argeş


The Princely Church and Court Ensemble in Curtea de Argeş is located at 1 Negru Voda Street, Argeş County.

Opening hours: Tuesday-Saturday between 10:00 - 18:00; Monday and Sunday closed.


You will find the 13th century Princely Court ruins right at the centre of Curtea de Argeş.

They consist of walls and fortifications built from the stones of the princely cellars discovered in archeological sites and considered to have been the chambers of Prince Neagoe Basarab and Basarab I.

You can discover nearby the Princely Church dating from the year of 1352 in a very good state of preservation. Built in the Byzantine style in the form of a Greek cross, the church is one of the most valuable monuments of the Romanian architecture. The church impresses with its interior murals and its exterior brick masonry. The Saint Nicoară Church is also part of the Princely Court ensemble located on top of the hill in front of the Princely Church.

Did you know?

The painting inside the church is the original one dating from the 14th century.

Conservation facts

The Princely Church and Court Ensemble are in a good state of preservation and it’s included in the European tour of art history.



