The National Village Museum


The National Village Museum is located at 28-30 Kiseleff Street, Bucharest. The souvenir shop has various handmade products such as ceramic, wood objects, textiles, and also icons painted on wood and glass for sale.

Entrance fee: Yes.

Oficial site here.


Founded in 1936 on the shores of Lake Herăstrău, the Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum gathers over 300  traditional authentic households specific to the historical regions of Romania: Transylvania, Banat, Oltenia, Wallachia, Dobrogea and Moldova. You can admire here a wooden church from a village in Maramureş which was built in 1722, or Oltenia’s pit-houses or even the thatched houses specific to the region of Dobrogea, in southeastern Romania.

The museum hosts a lot of cultural events and traditional fairs. Some of the most popular ones are the Craftsmen Fair, the Creative Summer Camp, the Winter Customs Festival or the days dedicated to the various ethnographic areas.

Did you know?

In 1940 when Bessarabia and the northern part of Bukovina were taken by the Soviet Union, some of the refugees were hosted in a few houses inside the museum up until the end of the war.

Conservation facts

By creating this museum many of the houses which couldn’t be preserved on site were thus saved. In 2017 a new wing of the museum was opened with new exhibits.



