The National Museum of Geology


The National Museum of Geology is located at 2 Kiseleff Street. The museum has a shop where you can buy jewelry with semiprecious stones, various ceramic objects, rock and fossils samples.

Entrance fee: Yes.


The National Museum of Geology was opened to the public in 1990, hosted by an imposing building built in the Neo Brâncovenian style which was initially meant to be used by the Romanian Geology Institute. Of the 70 000 exhibits owned by the museum, only a few thousand are available to the public while the rest are for research purposes.

The exhibits that can be admired here are from various collections of mineralogy, petrography, paleozoology and pale botanic from both Romania and other parts of the world.

The most spectacular are the “mine flowers” from Banat, Maramureş and Apuseni Mountains.

Did you know?

The museum has the most complete rock and fossil collection in Romania. Here you can admire rocks that are 1.9 billion years old and some of the oldest evidence of life (600 million years) discovered in Romania.

Conservation facts

The building that houses the museum hasn’t been reconditioned since 1990.



