Măldăreşti fortified mansion


The Fortified Mansions of Măldăreşti (Cula Greceanu and Cula Duca), are located in the Măldăreşti village about 3 km from Horezu, Vâlcea County.

Opening hours: summer from 10:00 -18:00 winter from 09:00 -17:00.

Entrance fee: Yes.


One of Oltenia’s many tourist attractions not to miss are the fortified mansions (cule) Greceanu and Duca which are fortified houses built by wealthy landowners from the area. They  combine harmoniously elements of Oltenian vernacular architecture with elements of Romanian architecture.

Cula Duca was built between 1812 and 1827 by Măldărescu family and acquired by the former prime minister of Romania, I. Gh. Duca, at the beginning of the 20th century. Thanks to the special authentic decoration and with the help of the guide, you will feel as if you’ve traveled back in time.

You can admire objects of great value such as the traditional furniture, heating stoves or the handmade fabrics.

Nearby  is the memorial house of I. Gh. Duca, where the history of this magnificent house can be seen   through various old photographs, paintings and furniture.

Across the street you will find the other cula, Greceanu which was built at the beginning of the 16th century. Of great cultural value are the portraits of the Măldărescu family, murals painted by Olga Greceanu as well as the many pieces of furniture and traditional costumes.

The word “culă” originated from “kule” which in the Turkish language means tower. This type of construction was extremely popular in the 18th and 19th century in the lower regions of the Balkans.

In Oltenia and Muntenia, there are about 18 of these fortified mansions left standing, many of them in ruins. The oldest cula in Romania is Cula Greceanu.

Did you know?

The mansions Greceanu and Duca featured in many Romanian films such as “Drumul oaselor” (1980), “Iancu Jianu” (1981), “Trandafirul galben” (1982) and the internationally awarded “Aferim!“ (2015).

Conservation facts

Big renovations and restorations took place between 1966 and 1967 in order to include the two mansions in the tourist circuit.



