Comana Natural Park


Comana Natural Park is located in Comana, Giurgiu County. This is the perfect weekend getaway since is just 30 km from Bucharest.

Entrance fee: Yes.


Established in 2004 near Bucharest, the Comana Natural Park is an important wetland area which houses two special floristic reservations: the Scientific Spike Reserve and the Scientific Peony Reserve. Along these you will find the Comana Pond, also known as the Neajlov Delta, a water - bird protected area. The park provides shelter for 140 species of birds plus a few species of fish, reptiles, and also for wild otters and cats.

The Comana Natural Park is ideal for a weekend getaway where you can enjoy a nice picnic, play different sports, rent either a boat, a kayak or a bicycle, and you can also camp here.

We recommend you to visit some places such as the Walnut Fountain (the park’s headquarters), Strâmba (La Anin) or Măgura.

Did you know?

The Comana Natural Park is the third most important wetland in southern Romania, after the Danube Delta and the Small Wetland of Brăilei.

Conservation facts

In 2011 the Comana Natural Park was included on the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance.



