Băile Felix Resort


Băile Felix Resort is located in the town with the same name, in Bihor county, about 10 km from Oradea and 20 km from Borş border. You can also reach the resort by minivans or by taxi which leave from the train station in Oradea.

You will find various types of accommodations, from hotels to bed & breakfasts and vacation homes.


Located in a natural vivid landscape in the Criş Plain, the Băile Felix Resort is the ideal place for relaxation. Here you can take advantage of the modern spa treatments.  Many come here to relax but also as a form of treatment for different illness. The curative properties of the thermal waters, which have been known and used for over a millennium, are the base of the treatments which include aerosols, sauna, spa and kinetotherapy.

Opened throughout the year and with a water temperature of between 20⁰C and 49⁰C it’s no wonder that Băile Felix is one of the most visited resorts in Romania. If you spend a little more time in the area you can discover the wonderful lakes filled with water lilies and lotuses, the Pârâul Rece Nature Resort,  the church in Rontău, the Chapel in Haieu or the wooden church in Brusturi.

Did you know?

Băile Felix is the largest resort of its kind in Romania opened throughout the year and it comes in second place after the Black Sea Coast when it comes to the accommodations.

Conservation facts

The resort’s thermal waters provide excellent conditions to sustain the white lotus (Nymphaea Lotus Thermalis), which is unique in Europe and at the same time a relic from the Tertiary Period.



